We provide the wholegumt of digitalized classroom facilities. E–Learning is the new revolutionary program in school education system. It has changed the very concept of learning. We take meticulous care in delivering quality education through modernized method of teaching, which is innovative, interactive and learner friendly which is an essential requisite in today’s competitive environment.
Ample of opportunities are provided to conduct OTBA to relieve students from the heavy burdens. It’s meant to incorporate analytical and theoretical skills. It provides opportunities in the effective use of memory and sharpens the cognitive abilities of our pupils.
We organise and provide training programmes in soft skills, personality development and career guidance seminars. Qualified and trained counsellors and faculty members ensure the mental and physical well being of each student of our Institution.
Proficiency award is being given every year to all the meritorious holders who secure A1 in all subjects and excellence marked in curricular activities.
We provide fabulous facilities for various sports and recreation it helps in character building. It develops a sense of friendliness. This improves the physical well being of students.
We have a commodious and specious room for Yoga practice. Skilled and Experienced trainers train our students to attain success in the spiritual world.
Civil service foundation course is being started in the school in collaboration with Naipunya academy. We aim to impart a basic understanding of the various courses in civil service as well as to give an awareness of the current events and to improve the various academic skills of our students.
Some children develop a sort of aversion towards study and other activities. They are to be properly motivated and taken to the normal track. With this purpose in mind, the school has included persons in the faculty with specialisation in behavioural science and counselling. Their service will be available in the school hours. In this regard we would like to make clear that school has not appointed any person or agency for online counselling
In order to enhance English Language skills we give importance to ASSESSMENT OF SPEAKING AND LISTENING(ASL)is a part of present curricular activities and a new venture introduced in CBSE schools with the support of Trinity college, London which is creative and learner oriented.
We do avail sufficient chances and training in promoting various scholarship exams to sharpen and shape the young minds of our Institution and make them globally competitive.
In order to have a healthy competition among students, we have House system such as Blue, Green, Red and Yellow Under the supervision of House In charges and Leadership of House Captains various House based activities are being conducted and excellence is rewarded.
The smooth functioning of the school is under the care and supervision of dedicated fathers of vallombrosan Benedictine Community, who always have a dream and vision of school’s growth and prosperity where students imbibe spiritual virtues and moral values which lead them to a brighter world.
We are always in favour of Educational Exhibition and workshop activities in our school. Periodically we organise science, maths and English Exhibitions to bring out the talents and conduct various workshops on different topics to develop the skills of students.
Understanding the Importance and heights of ECA in the all round development of students, special training is given in Music, Dance, Key Board, Guitar, Drawing, Karate, Yoga and Arts & Crafts by specially trained trainers to sharpen the skills and talents of our children.
In order to give proper guidance to choose a career, the students facing board examination are given; career guidance courses are conducted by established agencies every year.
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