KIDDIES SPORTS DAY – A celebration of fun, fitness and friendship
St Kuriakose Public School hosted the much awaited Kiddies Sports Day on the sprawling grounds of the school on the 17th of January 2024, with great zeal, excitement and frolicsome.
Sunshine,Laughter,Cheers and a riot of colourful tracksuits , These were the ingredients that painted a picture of a perfect Kiddies Sports Day (Std 1 – 4)
The chief Guest of the function was Abbot Guiseppe Cassetta,the Abbot General of Vallambrosan Benedictine Congregation Italy . A ceremonial welcome to the chief guest was accorded with an Equestrian mounted on a Stallion followed by the bandset blowing their trumpets and bugles renting the air. A Shamiana was constructed in the playground to facilitate the celebrations of Sports Day.
The dignitaries of the function were Rev Dr Bino Cheriyil OSB, Executive Director,Rev Fr Ajeesh Jose OSB ,Principal,Rev Fr Vineesh Jose Tharayil OSB, Sports Academy Director, Ms Jenny Robin,PTA President ,Mr Kenny Jacob,PTA Secretary and Fr Stephen Abraham, Bursar.
The host of the function was Ms Remy George( English Department). Kumari Jiya Ajin of Class 4 presented the petals of Welcome. Abbot General Guiseppe Cassette delivered the inaugural address and declared the Sports Meet open.The Sports Flag was hoisted by the chief guest. Abbot General Guiseppe Cassetta also took the March Past salute. Kiddies marched in style with the school Head boy Master Johnsoji Simon and Head girl Kumari Azhaar Shahul leading the March Past. The Torch of Flame was lit by Rev Dr Bino Cheriyil OSB,Executive Director. The torch bearers were Master Alexmon, Kumari Jilna Jince, Master Akhil Anil and Kumari Eira Elsa.
All the four houses , Blue house – Gentilesse, Green house – Amorosus ,Red house – Koinonia and Yellow house – Amor Patriae presented an exclusive item with their team members. The display was dazzling and gleaming.
Abbot General Guiseppe Cassette was adorned with a decorative shawl by the Head Mistress of the Primary Section ,Ms Mary Clemence and a potted plant was gifted as a token of gratitude.
The thrill of the 50m, 100m, and 200meter dash , lemon and spoon race, standing broad jump,and shuttle relay were the major highlights of the day. It provided a platform for little athletics to shine. The Physical Training Instructors Mr Saneesh Kumar and Ms Remya Sachin with their sharp blow from the whistle provided the start ( Ready, Set , Go ) for each event.
Master Govind Nair delivered the Vote of Thanks. Certificates and Medals added a touch of enthusiasm and fervor.
The culmination of Sports day was a Tug of War event in which Classes 1 – 4 students participated with immense energy and bounce along with the rocking class teachers. It was an eventful sight . The finale was marked by the children dancing to the music beats of popular songs and filled the air with their dance moves.
The real treasures of Kiddies Sports Day are the memories it creates.
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