Anti Rabies Awareness programme was held in SKPS at 11:00 AM on 13th June 2024 in the school assembly. Anti Rabies Pledge was also taken by the teachers and students.
The programme was organised by Primary Health Centre, Kattampak. The following personels visited the school to conduct the programme.
1. Mr. Ramesh AK (Junior Health Inspector)
2. Mr. Sanil Kumar (Junior Health Inspector)
3. Ms. Veena J (MLSP Nurse)
4. Ms. Shylaja KP (JPHN)
Ms. Shylaja KP explained how rabies can be fatal if not properly dealt with. She urged the students to inform the parents or teachers in case of a dog bite or cat bite. Even a visible scratch has to be reported to them so that they can take remedial measures. Washing the affected area with soap and water for continuously 15 minutes is a must since it is the best mitigation after the incident.
At the end of the session, Anti Rabies Pledge was administered.
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