July 5th 2024
The investiture ceremony and the award meet 2024 were held at the SKPS auditorium on 5th July 2024. It was a red-lettered day in the annals of SKPS marked by the August presence of Srimathi V.Vigneswari IAS, District collector, Kottayam.
A formal welcome note was delivered by Mr. Francis K.A. academic director of SKPS.
Soon after the welcome note the ceremonial lamp was lit by Ms. V Vigneshwari IAS District collector Kottayam Ma’am exhorted the audience about the need to have good leaders and the need to develop leadership qualities.
Madam V. Vigneshwari IAS honored the students who brought laurels to the school in the academic year 23 24. The day has witnessed the honoring of Mother Teresa awardees and the lucky prize winners of Karuthal.
In between the audience was enchanted by soothing melodies and enthralling movements by the SKPSians.
The day also observed the handing over of the portfolio badges to the leaders of SKPS who were elected democratically. The head boy Mr. Devin Sijo and the head girl Miss Maria Biju along with different house in- charges, blue, green yellow, and red and the president and secretary of various clubs also took charge after taking the oath.
The oath was administered by Father Ajeesh Jose OSB. Principal SKPS.
Our beloved PTA president Ms. Jenny Robin felicitated the occasion and a vote of thanks was proposed by Miss Maria Biju, the head girl.
A bit of a mouthful, the day was red-lettered, that is to be recorded in the annals of SKPS.
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