Patron’s Day celebration was celebrated with vibraint vigour & splendour. The show was put up by the students of Kindergarten & Kids from the primary section.
The school’s Patron Saint is St Kuriakose & St Juliet. It was a day of festivity for the children.
The programme commenced with the prayer song & a tableu depicting the love of St Kuriakose & St Juliet which highlighted innocence & mother touch.
A variety of items were staged by children and the mood was excitement & delight. Dance & Music numbers performed by the little ones brought cheer to the audience. The surprise items of the celebration were the teachers bright musical numbers and sprightly dance performances.
This day also gave way for the newly selected Head Boy & Head Girl of the Junior Section. Master Govind S & Kumari Angelin Jose of Class 5. They were adorned with badges and sashes. Rev Dr Bino Cheriyil OSB, Executive Director, Rev Fr Jince Puthuppallimyalil OSB, Asst Director and Rev Fr Ajeesh Jose OSB, Principal did the honours.
The finale was high spirited in which the children in the audience danced to a popular film number and they definitely had a bustling time.
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