FORZA JUNIOR ATHLETIC MEET 2024 was conducted on the spacious playground of the school on the 30th of October 2024 with immense excitement and joy.
The weather was pleasant and paved the way for the grand celebration. Std 1 – 4 students were all geared up to prove their mettle.
The Chief Guest of the function was Master Aarish Anoop, a Junior Cine Artist. A ceremonial welcome to the chief guest was accorded with the bandset blowing their trumpets and bugles renting the air followed by our Lady teachers riding on their bikes with style and finesse. A shamiana was constructed in the playground to facilitate the celebrations of The Grand Kiddie Olympics.
The dignitaries of the function were Rev Dr Bino Cheriyil OSB, Executive Director, Rev Fr Ajeesh Jose OSB , Principal, Rev Fr Vineesh Jose Tharayil OSB, Sports Academy Director, Ms Jenny Robin, PTA President, and Fr Stephen Abraham, Bursar.
The welcome address was delivered by Kumari Serah Sonu of Class 5. Ms Jenny Robin, PTA President hoisted the Olympic Flag. The School Flag was hoisted by Rev Dr Bino Cheriyil OSB, Executive Director of SKPS & the Meet Flag was hoisted by Master Aarish Anoop. Rev Fr Ajeesh Jose OSB, Principal lit the Olympic Torch. The torchbearers were Master Dhanwin D Raj representing the Yellow House, Kumari Merin Binoy representing the Red House, Kumari Ameya Vivek representing the Blue House and Master Algeo Robbins representing the Green House. Kumari Angelin K Joseph, Junior Head Girl took the Athletics Oath.
The motto of the Forza Annual Athletic Meet 2024 was:
When The Going Gets Tough, The Tough Gets Going
The cultural show commenced with a prayerful dance number. The Yoga display and Karate display by the students held the crowd spellbound with their performance.
All the four houses, Blue house – Gentilesse, Green house – Amorosus ,Red house – Koinonia and Yellow house – Amor Patriae presented an exclusive item with their team members. The display was dazzling and gleaming.Master Aarish Anoop was presented with a memento as a token of appreciation.The teachers wore a new look by wearing Sports tracksuit and set the mood ringing for Forza 2024.Master Govind Nair ,Junior Head Boy delivered the Vote of Thanks. The prize winners of various events were presented with certificates medals, tiaras and Forza rings which added to the beauty of the day.The finale of Forza Junior Athletic Meet 2024 concluded with the children taking on to the ground and dancing happily with delight.
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