‘Environment is not somebody’s work,it’s everybody’s work’.The world Environmental day is celebrated in SKPS with great enthusiasm and fervor. The day was marked by various activities and events that aimed to raise awareness about environmental issues and promote sustainable practices. The guest of the day was Sri George Kulangara, the Chairman of the environment forum of the World Malayali Council, Chairman of Green World Clean World Foundation. He inaugurated the event by planting a sapling in the school campus. The oath to conserve our nature and adopt sustainable practices was administered by Rose P Kurias of Grade X. The Vice President of central Kerala farmer producer company Sri.N V Manoj Kumar,school Executive Director Rev Fr Bino Cheriyil OSB, the school Principal Rev Fr Ajeesh Jose OSB and PTA President Mrs Jennie Robin graced the occasion with their benign presence. Kumari Anncely Bobby of class 12A delivered the vote of thanks.
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