SKPS celebrated its 77th Independence Day on 24/08/23 at 2 PM.
Grade XC students conducted the assembly with cultural events. The Function was presided over by vice principal Mr. Babu Joseph Sir. Afterwards all the senior students of 6 to 12 joined with junior students in the playground. All the events were colourful and uplifted the patriotism of students by dancing and singing along with the Vande Mataram song.
The 77th Independence Day was regally celebrated at SKPS on August 14th from KG to 5th STD. A rally was conducted in the school ground where the children from LKG to STD V participated. The tiny tots of SKPS dressed up as Bharathamba , Mahatma Gandhi, Bhagad Singh and Jhansi Rani for the rally. The rest of the students came in tricolor dresses and formed the shape of the Indian Map on the school ground. They all carried an Indian flag too.Thereafter, some programs were conducted in the ground. Norah Philipson from UKG sang a song. It was followed by a speech by Abhinav Ashish of IV A and Anandita S if III A. Azhaar Shahul also delivered a small speech on the independence day.Then the junior head boy and head girl was put to power by handing over the badge and sash by the exicutive manager of SKPS, Rev Fr. Bino Cheriyil, OSB . Azhaar Shahul of V Aand John Shoji Simon of V B were the elected head girl and head boy. The children grooved to some energetic patriotic songs and dispersed to their respective classes by 3.00 pm.
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