Page 104 - SKPS _ Magazine - SYNERGIA 2017-18
P. 104

2 Birds

                    I was, Feeling upset;
                      I looked around,
                  All I saw : was a window.
                      I went near to it,                           Beauty
                  The tree that was holding
               Two Sweetest birds ever, I saw
                     When I saw them,                                Inside
                      They were upset,
                 Then I saw the broken nest.
                                                                    You beauty deep inside
                        ABIn BEjOy, IX                          Behind those brightened eyes
                                                                    Most men will fail to find
                                                                    With you only as a prize
                                                                    I can see it vivid as a day
                                                                     Shining from your soul
                                                                     Hiding from your prey
     102                                                            It truly makes you whole
                          Flowers                                   So wipe away your tears
                                                                      Set your beauty free
                                                                    Leave behind your fears
                                                                  Come, walk along with me
                             Flowers are  Pretty,
                             Every where in this                       DElItA tOmy, VI D
                             Great, bright world
                           They always  are pretty
                         For ‘ God’ made them pretty
                             Wherever they are
                           He made them delicate,
                              For we can learn,
                       The greatest things from them
                             They never are sad
                        Because they are so innocent
                            And as bright as light
                              DIyA Ann jOSE, V

                                                                         St. KuriaKoSe CBSe
                                                                         Senior SeCondary SChool  j u b i l e e
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