Page 31 - SKPS _ Magazine - SYNERGIA 2017-18
P. 31

Teachers' Memories                                                                                    Teachers' Memories

              On several occasions I have come                                         Its an awesome feeling with a touch
              face to face with the question – What                                    of nostalgia to be a part of the SKPS
              makes  SKPS  so  special  to  you?  My                                   family for the past seventeen years.
              answer  is  its unique  location,  lush                                  Being with children of 1st standard
              green ecofriendly campus, its friendly                                   taught me how to understand their
              fathers, able and efficient staff, simple                                little world loaded with innocence
              and innocent children mostly from                                        and joy.  The Journey through the
              rural agrarian background – All                                          corridors of this school shaped my
              make SKPS very special to me. My                                         inner personality taught me to cope
              association  with the fathers and  our                                   with life and struggles.
              dear colleagues captivated my soul to                                    Through the mentors of this
              SKPS. My personal relationship with                                      institution and their overwhelming
              late Ramachandran sir needs special                                      motivation and guidance, it
              mention.                                                                 brushed me to rise to any challenges
              During the past 18 years I had occasions                                 in the school. Be it any programme
              to closely observe the development and                                   for the school each time we learnt
              progress of SKPS. The fully developed                                    something new and cherish it with
              library and labs, the well-furnished                                     our heart.
              auditorium   and   most   modern                                         A day without hearing the Chirps
              playgrounds make SKPS No.1 in the                                        of children was a feeling of a
              neighbourhood.                                                           Hartal.  We worked together with
              I remember all my beloved students                                       one common goal, to be precise,
              numbering more than 1500. Hope the                                       “SKPS family”  Thank you SKPS!
              new generation will lead the school to                                   for providing evergreen memories.
              greater heights.
                                                                                       Ms. Mary Clemence

              Prof. P. J. John

                                                                        St. KuriaKoSe CBSe
                                                            S i l v e r
                                                                        Senior SeCondary SChool  j u b i l e e
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