Page 128 - SKPS _ Magazine - SYNERGIA 2017-18
P. 128
A Place
I Thought I’ll
The Never Love
Beauty of
Childhood When I stepped down at Mariamala I never knew
that this was going to be a turning point in my life.
First I was supposed to stay in the school hostel and
Oh! the beauty of childhood, this was the first time staying away from my parents.
The child who trots To be frank I was excited; excited of staying alone in
The lamb that bleats a new place; excited of meeting new people. My first
The calf that leaps day at the school was alright. But when the classes
If also you have an eye to see, started I started feeling tired. I had a missing feeling
And a heart to feel in my heart as days passed by I felt horrible. I used to
Oh! how it vanishes, wait for weekends so that I could go home.
126 As the child grows into a man A month passed by like this and I followed the same
The lamb into a goat routine going to school and coming back to hostel. I
The calf into a cow felt like an alien among my peers. That was the time
But still different when we hostlers started talking to
Man is not a beast each other. It took a lot of time to
Can make beauty on earth, just mingle with each other. As
and wipe it over night we talked we came to know that
we all had the same heartburns.
AShIKA rOSE KurIAn, VI D All of us wanted to go back but
then something held us back.
As we grew close, I started
getting about everything.
Hostel, the place I hated
became the best place
that I happened to live
in my life.
Time flew by…... these
two years here in this
school have given me
the greenest memories
AmIthjOthy, XII C
St. KuriaKoSe CBSe
S i l v e r
Senior SeCondary SChool j u b i l e e