Page 133 - SKPS _ Magazine - SYNERGIA 2017-18
P. 133

Social Service Forum

                                                                                          R e p o R t

                                                                                               Charity –
                                                                                      Our watchword and guiding Principle

                                                                     Mother Teresa always saw the face of God in
                                                    the poor and the unwanted. When the first man landed on the moon, Mother was
                                            incidentally asked a question “Do you think you will ever go to the moon?” If there are poor and
                                        unwanted people on the moon, I will surely take my sisters there, replied the motivated missionary chief.
                                    Can we claim to love God without loving people around us? Love for God is inseparably connected with the
                                 love for people.
                              “Manavaseva Madhavaseva, which means service to God is Service to humans. One cannot love the unseen God
                           without loving the fellowmen whom one can see.
                         We at SKPS believe that the family lays the foundation for unconditional love, brotherhood and sharing. When Charity begins
                       at home it becomes easier to accept others.
                      Academic year 2017-18 has been bountiful, quite in coincidence with the Silver Jubilee Year to the Social Service Forum. A         131
                     host of philanthropic activities were undertaken as in the yester years. The opening of the year witnessed Neha Maria Saju and
                    Sweety Alex assuming the chairs of President and Secretary of the forum. Shri. Anish Dominic continued at the helm of affairs
                   for yet another year. The team has put in its heart and soul to realize the motto of the forum “Not all us can do great things, but
                  we can do small things with great love”.
                 To celebrate Onam festival and share its feeling, the forum collected food and grocery items from the students and
                 distributed to nearby charitable institutions.
                 Our fervour for helping the “children of lesser Gods”, took us to the houses of our neighbourhood to provide financial
                 assistance to the most deserving individuals. Besides, help in the form of materials like medicine and clothes too was
                  During Christmas, the forum generated a handsome amount (of Rs. 35000) and donated its lion’s share for uplifting
                   of the victims of the “Cyclone, Okhi”. Another innovative idea, that was made a reality, has been the collection
                     of toys to be gifted to the under privileged children of Anganvadies in the proximity. Another act of charity
                       was  the  financial  support  to “Mother  Theresa”  school  for  differently  abled children.  (Rs.  10000/-)
                            When we look back, we are satisfied that the forum has served “a platform” for our fellow
                               students to imbibe and inculcate the human values and moral principles based on
                                   our most reverent words from the Gospel:
                                       “I say to you, in as much as you did it to one of the least of
                                             these my brethren you did it to me”.

                                                                       St. KuriaKoSe CBSe
                                                           S i l v e r
                                                                       Senior SeCondary SChool  j u b i l e e
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