Page 73 - SKPS _ Magazine - SYNERGIA 2017-18
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carving.In the overall point position the school stood first. Alumni mega meet – Back to Skps: Alumni grand reunion - Back to
school was organized by the Alumni Association of SKPS. A good
School magazine- EUPHORIA 2016 number of former students & teachers enthusiastically participated
It is a matter of great pride to announce that our school magazine “EUPHORIA in the event. A variety entertainment programe followed by dinner
2016” secured first place for the best magazine at State level subsequent to made the evening most memorable to all.
having adjudged first at Kottayam Sahodaya Level.
Annual Day
Miscellaneous awards: To mark the culmination of the Silver Jubilee celebrations, the annual
Quiz competition Goodness TV award - Ajay Kurian (8 A) day of the school was held on 05th January 2018. The most befitting
& Ashika Rose Kurian (6 D) valedictory function was held after a colourful performance of tiny
Bhavan’s sports award - AnandNarayanaswamy (12 C) tots of the school “Kiddies show” in the auditorium. The distinguished
guests for the function were His grace Mar Mathew Moolakkattu
Badminton best player Mariyan trophy - Irene Elsa Francis (8 C)
OSB, Metropolitan Archbishop Kottayam as President and Honorable
Block Panchayat Essay writing winners - Tess Mariya Sunil (12 A) Justice K Abraham Mathew as inaugurator. A few luminaries on the
& Meenakshi S (X B) stage were cine world stars Abrid Shine and his crew, Adv. Mons
Udan scholarship - Abhirami Rajeev (12 A) Joseph MLA, Rev. Fr. Biju Thazhathucheruvil (Prior), among many.
Manorama Nallapadam 20 twenty A cultural program “Synergia” was staged after the valedictory
cash prize winners - Teslit & Nirupama Ann Jose (8 A) function.
Lion’s club poster designing cash prize - Paul Reni Peter (8C), Aryamithra 71
(7D) & SojaBennichan (10A) Family Meet
Best school Trophy - GATE@school SKPS held its family meet for staff and their family members on 27the
January 2018. The day stood out for its various cultural programmes
Charity with Nallapadam and multi-cuisine lunch.
School never falls behind any institution in charity mission. The students
offer always their mite to the less fortunate people around.Social Service Conclusion
Forum organized many humanitarian activities in the jubilee year. These Before concluding this report I bow my head in reverence to
activities included cash collection and donation, educational help, Medicine the Almighty God for His blessings, He has showered upon this
distribution, visiting orphanage and providing food, clothes and medicine, institution. May I take this opportunity to express my deepest
succour to victims of natural calamities like cyclone Okhey. gratitude to students, staff both Teaching and Non-Teaching, parents,
benefactors and well-wishers for the whole hearted co-operation.
Alumni Activities Let me conclude this report by entrusting our school into the divine
The school boasts a vibrant relation between it and the old students. The hands of Holy Mary through St.Kuriakose and invoke blessings of
alumni rose to the occasion of the silver jubilee year and conducted the Lord Jesus.
following activities:
Friendly Football match: A friendly football match was held between the
school team and alumni team in the Christmas season. The school team Fr. Ajeesh Kunjarakattu OSB
over powered their opponents. Principal
St. KuriaKoSe CBSe
S i l v e r
Senior SeCondary SChool j u b i l e e