Page 70 - SKPS _ Magazine - SYNERGIA 2017-18
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Most distinguished guests of the day, His Grace Mar Mathew Moolakattu PTA
OSB,Honorable Justice K Abraham Mathew, Adv Mons Joseph MLA, PTA General Body of the academic year was convened on 5 August 2017
Rev Fr Prior BijuThazhathucheruvil, esteemed guests, special invitees, and various office bearers were elected.Mr. Roy Chemmanam was elected
parents, teaching and non-teaching staff and my beloved children. PTAPresident.
As St. Kuriakose Senior Secondary School celebrates the 25 year of its
highl y influential and successful existence, I deem it a pleasant privilege Investiture ceremony and Award Meet
to present before you, the annual report of the current academic year. SKPS while donning in the role of an “alma mater” has always been very lavish,
This will provide you fair, reliable and precise information about the broadminded and liberal in acknowledging and recognizing the achievements
performance, measures and policies of SKPS. as and when the alumni scales peaks of excellence. In an investiture ceremony
The academic year was flagged off on 1 June 2017 in the most befitting and Award meet held on 23 June 2017, at school auditorium, numerous
manner of the silver jubilee year. Our most distinguished guest, Abbot awards were given away by the distinguished guest Ms. Mary Sebastian,
General Giuseppe Casetta OSB, formally inaugurated the proceedings Vice President, District Panchayath-Kottayam to the position holders.
of the year and unveiled the logo of the year ‘Synergia’. First standard Our chief guest Mr. K P Thomas, Circle Inspector of Kerala Police handed
students joined their seniors on 5 June 2017 amidst a warm and over the portfolio Band and rank insignia to the elected students of school
colorful welcome rendering the place a homely appearance. parliament.
Results School youth festival
68 Results in the board examination have always been the datum that The school youth festival was held on 1 August 2017. In a simple inaugural
separates the best schools from the rest of the league. True to its ceremony, Shri N. Manilal, president of NjeezhoorPanchayath declared open
past reputation SKPS secured100% results in the CBSE 10 and 12 the festival.
examinations. Our school came out with flying colours with 29
students achieving A1 in all subjects in 10 board and 4 in 12 board. School Exhibition
In plus two, Adithya Radhakrishnan Nair with 96.5% secured the first School has been a very fertile ground for budding scientists and skilled hands.
place and with 94.2 % Amal Cyriac following closely. With an objective to recognize the emerging and creative minds, the school
exhibition was conducted on 5 August 2017.
The first Holy Mass and blessing of the school, beseeching God Annual Sports
Almighty’s presence,blessing and grace was held on the auspicious Annual Sports of the current year was conducted on 25 August 2017 on
day of 9 June. This has been held on succeeding months on first its expansive grounds. Green house knocked out other houses to wrest first
Fridays. place.
School Parliament M R Vaccination Campaign
Election to school parliament provides an insight and in depth As a part of national mission to eradicate Measles and Rubella, M R Campaign
knowledge to students on our parliamentary form of government and was held at our school on 30 October 2017. This was to declare the school’s
democratic system. In a neck and neck race, on 20 June 2017. Master allegiance to government programs in promoting national cause.
Anand Narayanaswami and Kumari Jinosha Joy were elected Head
Boy and Head Girl respectively.
St. KuriaKoSe CBSe
S i l v e r
Senior SeCondary SChool j u b i l e e