Page 65 - SKPS _ Magazine - SYNERGIA 2017-18
P. 65
SKPS- Simply the Best
On a personal note, SKPS played a great role in shaping me into what I am today. Needless
to mention about the excellent academic training that helped me crack competitive exams and clear
professional courses. From a very shy boy who pretended to have a ‘stomach-ache’ and quit his first
attempt at a stage program, to a ten-time consecutive school Kalaprathibha and twice CBSE state
level youth festival Kalaprathibha with many a state level firsts to my credit over the years. The
Reminiscence whole transformation was undoubtedly with the excellent grooming at SKPS. Daily assembly
activities, House events, various clubs, youth festivals, annual day, sports day, magazine work etc.
helped out to bring the talents in us and paved way for all-round development. While at SKPS
we have run around as the volunteers and organizers for youth festivals, state level tournaments,
farewells and these exposed us to basics of event charting, sponsorship hunting, budgeting, printing,
logistics planning and lots more that it was such a cake walk for most of us the SKPSians to
take the lead in organizing magnum opus events in our colleges and take up challenges when others
of our age often backed out. And now when I look back it is the 12 years of SKPS training 63
that I value the most among all these. I can say confidently I would have fairly done well with
my life, even if I did not have the privilege to be trained in the above mentioned institution of
excellence. Because over the best 12 years of my life… SKPS had nurtured me with good moral
values including love and compassion for fellow human beings, trained me to be an individual with
self respect and had instilled confidence to reach out for the impossible while accepting defeats with
grace. The good human values along with the art of being street-smart, that most of us picked up
from SKPS was all that is required to be successful in life irrespective of what you choose to do
later. And last but not the least the institution that trained me to what I am today, the place that
gave me the best friends for a life time… blessed me with a true ‘skpsian’ partner to share my life.
Whoa! What more do you want to be indebted to this place forever!!! Thank you SKPS!!
Dr. Jino Joy
PG Registrar, Christian Medical College & Hospital, Vellore
St. KuriaKoSe CBSe
Senior SeCondary SChool j u b i l e e
S i l v e r