Page 61 - SKPS _ Magazine - SYNERGIA 2017-18
P. 61

My Alma-Mater Days

                                  Some of the earliest memories I can think of, guess I was in third or fourth standard, those days the school was located at
                                  the bottom of the Mariamala hill, where the Kindergarten currently is. And one fine morning, we the students were lined
                                  up and ushered up the hill, with some balloons even, to witness the ‘foundation laying’ of the new SKPS building. Those
                                  days we used to run up the steep hill during lunch hour to have a look at how the building was coming up. The school has
                                  come a long way from those days and is indeed a treat to the eyes every time we pay a visit.In between those moments, there
                                  are SKPS memories, the nostalgic ones, the ones we school friends share and can’t get enough of, especially every time we
                                  get back together. The lessons we enjoyed, the lessons we couldn’t wait to get over with, the drawing sessions to keep the eyes
                             Reminiscence  laugh getting caught for looking outside through the windows, the prayerful hope to get a free hour to play sports. Then there   59
                                  open, the poems scribbled to keep ourselves entertained ,the chits passed to our mates four benches away from you for a sneaky

                                  are the intense House-competitions, eventful Sports days, and Annual days and long -awaited excursions. The lessons, the
                                  friends and the friendships..

                                  Then there are SKPS moments that I cherish close to my heart, despite the years that passed by. The
                                  Karate demonstration with Master Vinod slicing cucumbers on my abdomen, the sighs and screams
                                  from the crowd and the relieved hug from a worried-looking Tomiachan; captaining Red house to
                                  victory losing School Leader election on a very narrow margin the tears in the eyes of some of my
                                  friends and teachers alike when during my farewell speech on behalf of the class; getting a guided
                                  tour of the Biology lab, (thank you, Prasanna Miss!) and when teachers treat you like they have
                                  known you for ever, even when they meet you for the first time (that’s you, Ajeesh Father!)It would
                                  be an understatement to say that SKPS influenced my career choices.Dear SKPS, congratulations
                                  on turning twenty-five! May you continue to positively influence the lives of many more youngsters for
                                  plenty more years to come, urge them to dream big and equip them to turn the dreams into reality.


                                  Research Scientist in Stratified Medicine, Queens University Belfast, United kingdom

                                                                        St. KuriaKoSe CBSe
                                                                        Senior SeCondary SChool  j u b i l e e
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