Page 62 - SKPS _ Magazine - SYNERGIA 2017-18
P. 62
A Journey Back to Where the Heart Lies…
SKPS was not just an ordinary school for the likes of me. It was and is an emotion, it is
Reminiscence something akin to a home away from home to myriads of us. The classrooms, auditorium,
corridors, library, play ground every single nook and corner throbs with life and nostalgic
memories. all the arts and sports days, annual days, the school assembly activity fundae, our
immortal teachers, the heated elections, moments of friendship, those duster fights, shared
lunches, monkey tails, sick room chats, crushes, umpteen laughters and craziness… everything
perches right where we left it. No place has left an imprint on me the way SKPS has. All
through my life whenever I got complimented on my linguistic skills or the personality traits
I can’t help but look back in gratitude to the one place which moulded me into the person I
am. It has not been a one sided love either, the kind of love and respect which I have received
60 from here remains unparalleled. It was a dream come true moment when I got twice felicitated
in the school for my academic achievements during my college period.
As an English language teacher when I look back I am grateful to my English teachers-
Johnson Sir, Francis Sir, Shiju Sir and also prolific language skill of George sir - at
SKPS for kindling in me the love for language and literature. They are the ones who
transformed me from the girl with just an average language skill who once upon a time
referred ‘an acne with pus’ as ‘a round swelling with white liquid’ to a university rank holder
in English language and literature and eventually an Asst. Professor in English.
SKPS has always been a part of me… a place where I left a piece of my own heart… every
visit to SKPS is thus a journey back to where my heart lies…
Indu Peter
Asst. Professor - English, K. E. College, Mannanam
St. KuriaKoSe CBSe
Senior SeCondary SChool j u b i l e e
S i l v e r