Page 92 - SKPS _ Magazine - SYNERGIA 2017-18
P. 92

The Day                                          I was at home one day with my      “  No” I  replied  and suddenly,
                                                                                elder brother and dog, Ceasar. My
                                                                                                                   it came again.  “Help! Amala
               my pet Dog started                                               parents had gone to Malabar to     Thomas,  get  me out!”  Even  I
                                                                                                                   was shocked. “Who are you?” My
                                                                                visit my grandmother’ s sick sister
                                                                                who was nearing her last days
                                                                                                                   brother  asked  “Ceasar!”  replied
                                  Talking                                       on the Earth. Before my mother     the voice. My brother and I had
                                                                                left, she had left on my brother
                                                                                                                   never been more shocked.  We
                                                                                and me with a list of chores and   walked towards the source of the
                                                                                my brother, being the bullying ,   sound and realized that it was on
                                                                                dominant and smarter sibling he    the way to Ceasar’s kennel.
                                                                                dumped even his chores onto me.    We saw what we had never
                                                                                I was washing the dishes from      thought even we would see. Our
                                                                                previous night and my brother      dog was jumping up and down
                                                                                was  watching  TV in  the  living   and yelling out words. We were
                                                                                room. Our dog Ceasar was kept      mind blown. “ What in the world!”
                                                                                locked in his small kennel in      My brother  cried.
                                                                                the space under the stairs. He     Ceasar saw us and said come on
                                                                                was a “golden Retriever” and we    Thomas, please let me out……….”
     90                                                                         loved playing with him, but if     And he showed us his puppy
                                                                                we hadn’t locked him right then    eyes that made our hearts melt.
                                                                                he would’ve been interrupting      We let him out. He promised that
                                                                                everything we were doing.          he would never disturb us in our
                                                                                Though my brother had the          work again. We had always loved
                                                                                music with volume sky high he      Ceasar and he was our best
                                                                                suddenly heard some noise – a      friend  and  now that  he  started
                                                                                voice of a person calling out. He   talking, he became our best
                                                                                reduced the volume and listened    friend, a friend who never broke
                                                                                to the voice, “Get me out of here!   his promises.  We promised we
                                                                                Get me out!”                       will never keep him in his kennel
                                                                                My brother was startled. “Amala!”   cage again. We also decided not
                                                                                He called out for me. I heard      to make others know about the
                                                                                him  but I did not want to go. I   fact that he could talk. Because
                                                                                got  annoyed.  He  called  again   if we do, he would be warranted
                                                                                and again and kept calling until   by scientists. who know what
                                                                                I went to him . He asked me. Did   kind of experiment, would they
                                                                                you  hear that  voice calling  out   do on him?!
                                                                                for help?                            AmAlA StEphEn thOmAS, 8 A

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