Page 97 - SKPS _ Magazine - SYNERGIA 2017-18
P. 97
Silent Hands
The day I met him To everything he had given me
He gave me courage But still he loved me
The kisses he gave me More than I did him 95
Built a shield of protection He held my hands
A protection from all the evils With his steely hands fortifying the course of life
The times we spend (And promised fortitude forever)
The days we shopped Fears sprouted in me
Memories he filled When I was away from him
In my soft little heart But he changed those fear
Created smiles that last Into flowers of faith
He fought for me in life These bright eyes of his
He was with me, Was filled with love
When all abandoned me Love that has no end……
He held me tight Held me close.
When I cried in fear Every beat of my heart spoke
His warm embraces “ I Love you Dad!”
Calmed me down
Sometimes I was blind and numb mAnEEShA SAlu, XII A
St. KuriaKoSe CBSe
Senior SeCondary SChool j u b i l e e
S i l v e r