Page 82 - SKPS _ Magazine - SYNERGIA 2017-18
P. 82

Selected portions
                                                                                                        State/Regional Prize winning

              It was a heavy pouring monsoon        chest and walked home after he saw
              afternoon.  Though it was just nearing   that they were no one coming or going
              dusk,  it  seemed  to  be  long  past  dusk.   who seemed to be responsible to the
              The sky was gay and nature in one of   baby, it was sure that it was abandoned.
              its most beautiful phases. The tall trees   The baby grew up to be perfect as Niall.
              waved  their  heads  to  the  wind  as  it   It was like a special bond that give him
              caressed them.                        the best of Niall and Edward, He grew
              Niall, the head of a major company, his   up to be a brilliant young man who then
              own  enterprise which he built  up at   took over the company. One day when
     80       his young age of 25. His life, had been   Edward asked Niall, why he had taken
              an inspiration for a lot of young men   him when his own parents had left him,
              because he built up his dream on his own   Niall replied; I was just like you Edward,
              with his immense determination and    abandoned by my parents and other
              hard work. He thought of a change from   persons. Niall earlier cared about the kind
              the regular travel by his car to his villa.  couple who took him and made him the
              On his way home after he did , his workers   great man he was then and himself. But
              left the company, he enjoyed the rain.   Niall had lost them just a while before he
              The rain had now become more calm     found Edward which made it irresistable
              and gentle.  Then suddenly, he heard   to leave him there. They lived happily in
              a cry, a shrill, high voice. Then he saw   their  house and  with the  money they
              something tiny move in the shadows.   helped poor people and gave education
              He walked towards it cautiously but   to orphans and made a difference in
              when he came close, he saw that it lay   other people’s lives.
              in front of a donation box all illuminated   Moral: Have courage and be kind. Don’t
              by thousands of candles. He slowly    forget where you came from no matter
              touched the tiny quilt covering the baby   how successful you become in your life.
              Yes, it was a baby.                    SruthImOl m. S., XII A
              He cradled him up next to his warm
                                                    (Story Writing, III  Prize - Regional Level)

                                                                         St. KuriaKoSe CBSe
                                                             S i l v e r
                                                                         Senior SeCondary SChool  j u b i l e e
   77   78   79   80   81   82   83   84   85   86   87