Page 84 - SKPS _ Magazine - SYNERGIA 2017-18
P. 84
The Great Archipelago -
Bahrain, an archipelago is win many friends and I missed all
situated in the Gulf. I was born of them when I left the school.
in 16 September, 2003 at the Bahrain is an amazing place
Salmaniya Medical Complex which is famous for its ‘Pearl
which is situated in Bahrain. I Round about’. It is covered mostly
had lived in Bahrain for almost with palm trees.
12 years after which I came to It is ruled by the king of Bahrain.
Kerala, God’s own country. I had It is an archipelago - meaning
a very amazing time in Bahrain.
group of Islands. It is connected
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used private cars for conveyance
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Fahad Caose way. It is a part of
GCC (Gulf co-operation Council)
to school and to other places.
ÊGòEò]õ VÉÒiÉ ºÉä* ´É½þ BEò xÉ´ÉÉänùªÉ lÉÉ* |ÉÊiɦÉɶÉɱÉÒ My first school was Sacred Heart which consists of 7 countries.
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Bahrain is very famous for its
School which was run by nuns
82 ½Öþ+É* and other religious members. I pearl and dates. Bahrain is a land
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]õÒ¨É EòÒ MÉÉÄMÉÖ±ÉÒ, pùÉÊ´Éc÷ +Éè®ú ºÉÊSÉxÉ lÉä* <xÉ had my first leg of education in of peace and harmony. Bahrain is
a suggested destination to those
that school till 3 standard. I had a
very sad & sorrowful experience.
who yearn to go for a trip.
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days. “The Asian School” where I
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studied till my 7 standard. I could
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