Page 83 - SKPS _ Magazine - SYNERGIA 2017-18
P. 83
F‑Ã‑m‑w a‑§‑n‑b‑m‑W‑v I‑m‑W‑m³ I‑g‑n‑b‑p‑¶‑X‑v. X‑fÀ‑¨ t‑X‑m‑¶‑n‑b‑t‑¸‑mÄ H‑¶‑p a‑b‑§‑n‑t‑¸‑m‑b‑n... C‑Ã
C‑c‑p‑¼‑p‑I‑q‑«‑n X‑s‑¶. R‑m³ c‑£‑s‑]‑«‑n‑«‑n‑à _‑j‑oÀ h‑c‑p‑t‑a‑m? F‑s‑¶ X‑p‑d‑¶‑p‑h‑n‑S‑m³? h‑m‑h‑e‑p‑
I‑s‑f‑b‑p‑w a‑c‑¸‑«‑n‑I‑s‑f‑b‑p‑w k‑v‑t‑\‑l‑n‑¨ ssh‑¡w ap‑l‑½‑Zv _‑j‑o‑d‑n‑s‑â I‑Y C‑¶‑s‑e‑b‑m‑W‑v A‑½
]‑d‑ª‑p X‑¶‑X‑v..... B R‑m³ C‑¶‑n‑X‑m C‑u s‑]‑«‑n‑b‑nÂ...h‑m‑g‑¸‑g‑¯‑n‑t‑\‑m‑S‑p‑Å s‑I‑m‑X‑n‑a‑q‑e‑w....
h‑|‑n‑b‑p‑s‑S a‑p‑cÄ‑¨. B‑c‑p‑s‑S‑s‑b‑m‑s‑¡‑t‑b‑m I‑m‑e‑S‑n i‑_‑v‑Z‑w.
"I‑g‑p‑¯‑n I‑p‑c‑p‑¡‑n‑«‑v H‑¶‑p‑h‑e‑n‑¨‑m a‑X‑n. A‑t‑¸‑m I‑g‑n‑b‑p‑w..
a‑p‑g‑p‑¯ a‑c‑¸‑«‑n‑b‑m.. C‑¶‑p ]‑¦‑p‑I‑n‑«‑p‑¶ Z‑n‑h‑k‑a‑m... C‑c‑p‑ By The Riverside
s‑N‑h‑n A‑S‑ª‑p‑t‑]‑m‑I‑s‑«‑! C‑\‑n‑s‑b‑´‑n‑\‑v i‑Ðw?
I‑m‑g‑v‑N... Beside the brook, I strolled on
h‑n‑e‑m‑]‑k‑z‑c‑§‑f‑n‑Ã‑m‑¯ \‑m‑«‑n‑t‑e‑b‑v‑¡‑p‑Å b‑m‑{‑X‑ Beyond the horizon, I hoped on
b‑m‑W‑n‑\‑n. ]‑n³‑h‑n‑f‑n t‑]‑m‑s‑e I‑q‑«‑p‑I‑m‑c‑p‑s‑S‑, A‑½‑ Bickering of river, I heard
b‑p‑s‑S t‑X‑§Â..... Bear me as I lay , will you?
From dawn to dusk, I walked on
X‑g‑p‑I‑n X‑t‑e‑m‑S‑p‑¶ t‑]‑m‑s‑e H‑c‑n‑f‑w‑I‑m‑ä‑v....
a‑§‑n‑b I‑m‑g‑v‑N‑b‑v‑¡‑p‑t‑a‑s‑e‑, H‑c‑p I‑p‑ª‑n‑¸‑q‑¼‑m‑ä Seeking for the merry, the joy
]‑m‑d‑n \‑S‑¡‑p‑¶‑p. R‑m‑hÂ‑a‑c‑¯‑n‑s‑e ]‑g‑p‑¯‑n‑e Deep in my heart, I could hear 81
s‑I‑m‑g‑n‑b‑m‑s‑X F‑´‑n‑s‑\‑m I‑m‑¡‑p‑¶‑p. The chattering of the lake.
The moon with elated bliss
X‑e‑b‑p‑w D‑S‑e‑p‑w t‑N‑c‑p‑¶ I‑g‑p‑¯‑n‑e‑q‑s‑S I‑S‑¶‑p Was hidden in the sapphire sky
t‑]‑m‑I‑m‑\‑p‑Å I‑¯‑n‑, c‑m‑I‑n‑a‑qÀ‑¨‑I‑q‑«‑p‑¶ iÐ‑w‑, The brimming river enveloped the pebbles.
h‑m‑b‑v‑¯‑e‑¯‑n‑f‑¡‑w... Was embraced in the cold touch
I‑c‑b‑c‑p‑X‑v. R‑m‑s‑\‑t‑¶‑m‑S‑p ]‑d‑ª‑p. C‑u Beside the Glen, the river flowed
`‑q‑a‑n \‑a‑p‑¡‑\‑y‑a‑m‑h‑p‑I‑b‑m‑W‑v. ]‑p‑g‑p‑h‑n‑s‑\‑ Echoed monotonously, its chattering
b‑p‑w ]‑q‑¼‑m‑ä‑s‑b‑b‑p‑w ]‑q‑h‑n‑s‑\‑b‑p‑w k‑v‑t‑\‑ From some where but to nowhere
l‑n‑¡‑m³ I‑g‑n‑b‑p‑¶‑hÀ C‑¶‑n‑h‑n‑s‑S _‑m‑¡‑n‑ Promised me life forevermore
b‑n‑Ã. \‑o I‑®‑p‑I‑f‑S‑b‑v‑¡‑p‑I. \‑n‑i‑z‑m‑k‑w tESS mArIA SunIl, XII A
\‑nÀ‑¯‑n‑h‑b‑v‑¡‑p‑I. a‑p‑I‑f‑n‑t‑e‑¡‑p t‑\‑m‑ (Versification, I Prize - Regional
¡‑p‑I. B \‑£‑{‑X‑¡‑p‑ª‑v N‑n‑c‑n‑¡‑p‑¶‑X‑p A Grade - State Level)
t‑\‑m‑¡‑q... k‑v‑t‑\‑l‑i‑q‑\‑y‑a‑m‑b `‑q‑a‑n‑s‑b
h‑n‑«‑p t‑]‑m‑I‑q...
\‑n‑c‑p‑]‑a B³‑t‑P‑m‑k‑v, VIII A
(Story Writing
II Prize - State & Regional Level)
St. KuriaKoSe CBSe
S i l v e r
Senior SeCondary SChool j u b i l e e