Page 17 - SKPS _ Magazine - SYNERGIA 2017-18
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Our year-long efforts have finally come to their natural fruition in the form of the school annual which is as well as the Silver
Jubilee Souvenir of SKPS. In fact, it was our fond concern to bring out a magazine comparable to and comparable with the best
of its kind, which would also at the same time provide a mirror held up to SKPS for the current year and yesteryear, highlighting
her gains and losses, pains and pleasures, ailments and aches, longings and cravings and dreams and aspirations.
I am truly proud of those that made solid contributions in the form of poems, stories and other articles which altogether dressed up
this brain-child of SKPS-fraternity to perfection and grace. The Annual owes its beauty and elegance to the selfless services of
many who burnt much midnight oil over this noble venture.
The throbbing hearts and ebullient minds that peep from behind the lines in the pages of this annual are but the pride of SKPS
representing the last twenty-five years during which she crossed many important milestones leading to the present stage of excellence.
And excellence, like everything else, has its reasons. In the case of SKPS it is synergy, the enhanced energy of people working
together in perfect keeping with her current annual theme Synergia of what the latest proof is this little work itself, the creation
of the SKPS brotherhood, that we proudly present before you with sentiments of gratitude and a sense of gratification as well as
one of profound indebtedness. May it read so well that between the lines you might meet the soul of SKPS.
Wishing you all a good read,
- Chief Editor
St. KuriaKoSe CBSe
S i l v e r
Senior SeCondary SChool j u b i l e e